| emily michelle |


Wherever art meets experience, that's where I want to be. I believe that very intersection in life is called adventure and I've been seeking it since I was a little blonde flowerchild running under the live oak trees of North Florida. I learned through my younger years that the craving for connection and a passion-filled life was the cry of my heart, crafted together by the gentle hands of the Creator who loves me more than that same tiny heart can dream.  

I seek to understand those around me and long to be a voice for the silenced ones, a heart for the unloved, and a comforting chest for the abandoned. My heart is for the lost, the broken, the weary, the downtrodden, the longsuffering, the orphaned, and the poor. It is through reaching and serving these souls that I feel most alive, the truest version of the woman that God hand-made after dreaming of me. Though His vision is clearer than mine, I believe that she is an open home, a mother to all, and a faithful presence through all moments. 

I am ever-changing with the seasons, ever-growing to be more like the Pure Artist who created me and who loves me. It is a process of growth that I am determined to endure in a posture of gratitude and humility. The process - the making, the doing, the being - of things is what interests me the most. Dreaming of the destination and crafting the moments that make it glorious is my life's desire. 

I love to write, to photograph, to make, to share, to cook, to sing, to watercolor, to write letters, to plan, to design, and to act as not only the visionary, but as the creator. So, it is with all of the love, gentleness, passion, servant-heartedness, and depth given to me by God, that I long to - with my entire life - pursue to know and be known by the hearts that I meet on this adventure.